/* global mixitup, h */ /** * A group of properties allowing the toggling of various debug features. * * @constructor * @memberof mixitup.Config * @name debug * @namespace * @public * @since 3.0.0 */ mixitup.ConfigDebug = function() { mixitup.Base.call(this); this.callActions('beforeConstruct'); /** * A boolean dictating whether or not the mixer instance returned by the * `mixitup()` factory function should expose private properties and methods. * * By default, mixer instances only expose their public API, but enabling * debug mode will give you access to various mixer internals which may aid * in debugging, or the authoring of extensions. * * @example Example: Enabling debug mode * * var mixer = mixitup(containerEl, { * debug: { * enable: true * } * }); * * // Private properties and methods will now be visible on the mixer instance: * * console.log(mixer); * * @name enable * @memberof mixitup.Config.debug * @instance * @type {boolean} * @default false */ this.enable = false; /** * A boolean dictating whether or not warnings should be shown when various * common gotchas occur. * * Warnings are intended to provide insights during development when something * occurs that is not a fatal, but may indicate an issue with your integration, * and are therefore turned on by default. However, you may wish to disable * them in production. * * @example Example 1: Disabling warnings * * var mixer = mixitup(containerEl, { * debug: { * showWarnings: false * } * }); * * @example Example 2: Disabling warnings based on environment * * var showWarnings = myAppConfig.environment === 'development' ? true : false; * * var mixer = mixitup(containerEl, { * debug: { * showWarnings: showWarnings * } * }); * * @name showWarnings * @memberof mixitup.Config.debug * @instance * @type {boolean} * @default true */ this.showWarnings = true; /** * Used for server-side testing only. * * @private * @name fauxAsync * @memberof mixitup.Config.debug * @instance * @type {boolean} * @default false */ this.fauxAsync = false; this.callActions('afterConstruct'); h.seal(this); }; mixitup.BaseStatic.call(mixitup.ConfigDebug); mixitup.ConfigDebug.prototype = Object.create(mixitup.Base.prototype); mixitup.ConfigDebug.prototype.constructor = mixitup.ConfigDebug;