@extends('layouts.app') @section('content') @php $resto = \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth::user()->restaurants; $lang = $resto->default_lang; app()->setLocale($lang); if(session('app_lang') !==null){ $lang = session('app_lang'); app()->setLocale($lang); } @endphp



Contactless dining

Customers can order for dine-in at the outlet

Recieve your payouts

Fill up your bank details here so we can transfer your money. Learn more about payout cycles here

is_contactless_dining=="1") class="active" @endif>

Payment Methods

Select all payment methods accepted on delivery

@php $payment_methods = []; if(isset($features) && !empty($features->payment_methods)){ $payment_methods = explode(',',$features->payment_methods); } @endphp

Opening hours

Select all payment methods accepted on delivery

@php $days = ['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday']; $existing_days = \App\BranchHours::where('branch_id',$outlet->id)->where('hours_for','contactless_dining')->get(); $day_exists = []; @endphp




@if(isset($existing_days) && $existing_days->count() > 0) @foreach($existing_days as $d)
@if(!in_array($d->day_name,$day_exists)){!! ucwords($d->day_name) !!}@endif
status=="close") style="display: none" @endif >
status=="close") style="display: none" @endif>
status=="close") style="display: none" @endif> @if(!in_array($d->day_name,$day_exists)) Add hours @endif @if(in_array($d->day_name,$day_exists)) Remove hours @endif
@if(!in_array($d->day_name,$day_exists)) status=="open") checked @endif /> @endif
@php $day_exists[] = $d->day_name; @endphp @endforeach @else @foreach($days as $d)
{!! $d !!}
@endforeach @endif
Contactless dining QR code

This is your unique QR code for customers to see the menu and order from this outlet. Print it and leave it on the tables. Customers just need to scan it with a smartphone to place their order.

@php $resto = \App\Restaurants::find(\App\Helpers\CommonMethods::getRestuarantID()); @endphp @if($resto->domain_name!="") @else @endif
@endsection @section('js') @endsection