//[Dashboard Javascript] //Project: Riday - Responsive Admin Template //Primary use: Used only for the main dashboard (index.html) $(function () { 'use strict'; var options = { series: [{ name: 'Revenue', data: [31, 50, 28, 70, 45, 90, 140] }], chart: { height: 350, type: 'area', zoom: { enabled: false }, }, colors: ["#4c95dd"], dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { curve: 'smooth' }, xaxis: { categories: ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Set", "Sun"] }, tooltip: { y: { formatter: function (val) { return "$" + val + " thousands" } }, }, }; var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#chart"), options); chart.render(); var options = { chart: { height: 325, type: 'bar', toolbar: { show: false }, }, plotOptions: { bar: { horizontal: false, endingShape: 'rounded', columnWidth: '65%', }, }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { show: true, width: 5, colors: ['transparent'] }, colors: ["#e66430", "#4c95dd"], series: [{ name: 'In Restaurant', data: [70, 45, 51, 58, 59, 58, 61] }, { name: 'Online Order', data: [55, 71, 80, 100, 89, 98, 110] },], xaxis: { categories: ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Set", "Sun"], axisBorder: { show: true, color: '#bec7e0', }, axisTicks: { show: true, color: '#bec7e0', }, }, legend: { show: false, }, fill: { opacity: 1 }, grid: { row: { colors: ['transparent', 'transparent'], // takes an array which will be repeated on columns opacity: 0.2 }, borderColor: '#f1f3fa' }, tooltip: { y: { formatter: function (val) { return "$" + val + "k" } } } } var chart = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#yearly-comparison"), options ); chart.render(); $('.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 20, responsiveClass: true, autoplay: true, dots: false, nav: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 1, }, 1024: { items: 2, }, 1600: { items: 3, }, 2000: { items: 4, } } }); am4core.ready(function() { // Themes begin am4core.useTheme(am4themes_kelly); am4core.useTheme(am4themes_animated); // Themes end // Define marker path var targetSVG = "M9,0C4.029,0,0,4.029,0,9s4.029,9,9,9s9-4.029,9-9S13.971,0,9,0z M9,15.93 c-3.83,0-6.93-3.1-6.93-6.93S5.17,2.07,9,2.07s6.93,3.1,6.93,6.93S12.83,15.93,9,15.93 M12.5,9c0,1.933-1.567,3.5-3.5,3.5S5.5,10.933,5.5,9S7.067,5.5,9,5.5 S12.5,7.067,12.5,9z"; // Create map instance var chart = am4core.create("chartdiv", am4maps.MapChart); var interfaceColors = new am4core.InterfaceColorSet(); // Set map definition chart.geodata = am4geodata_worldLow; // Set projection chart.projection = new am4maps.projections.Mercator(); // Add zoom control chart.zoomControl = new am4maps.ZoomControl(); // Set initial zoom chart.homeZoomLevel = 2.5; chart.homeGeoPoint = { latitude: 51, longitude: -23 }; // Create map polygon series var polygonSeries = chart.series.push(new am4maps.MapPolygonSeries()); polygonSeries.exclude = ["AQ"]; polygonSeries.useGeodata = true; polygonSeries.mapPolygons.template.nonScalingStroke = true; // Add images var imageSeries = chart.series.push(new am4maps.MapImageSeries()); var imageTemplate = imageSeries.mapImages.template; imageTemplate.tooltipText = "{title}"; imageTemplate.nonScaling = true; var marker = imageTemplate.createChild(am4core.Sprite); marker.path = targetSVG; marker.horizontalCenter = "middle"; marker.verticalCenter = "middle"; marker.scale = 0.7; marker.fill = interfaceColors.getFor("alternativeBackground"); imageTemplate.propertyFields.latitude = "latitude"; imageTemplate.propertyFields.longitude = "longitude"; imageSeries.data = [ { "id": "london", "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "London", "latitude": 51.5002, "longitude": -0.1262, "scale": 1 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Brussels", "latitude": 50.8371, "longitude": 4.3676, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Prague", "latitude": 50.0878, "longitude": 14.4205, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Athens", "latitude": 37.9792, "longitude": 23.7166, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Reykjavik", "latitude": 64.1353, "longitude": -21.8952, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Dublin", "latitude": 53.3441, "longitude": -6.2675, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Oslo", "latitude": 59.9138, "longitude": 10.7387, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Lisbon", "latitude": 38.7072, "longitude": -9.1355, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Moscow", "latitude": 55.7558, "longitude": 37.6176, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Belgrade", "latitude": 44.8048, "longitude": 20.4781, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Bratislava", "latitude": 48.2116, "longitude": 17.1547, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Ljubljana", "latitude": 46.0514, "longitude": 14.5060, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Madrid", "latitude": 40.4167, "longitude": -3.7033, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Stockholm", "latitude": 59.3328, "longitude": 18.0645, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Bern", "latitude": 46.9480, "longitude": 7.4481, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Kiev", "latitude": 50.4422, "longitude": 30.5367, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Paris", "latitude": 48.8567, "longitude": 2.3510, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "New York", "latitude": 40.43, "longitude": -74, "scale": 0.5 } ]; // Add lines var lineSeries = chart.series.push(new am4maps.MapLineSeries()); lineSeries.dataFields.multiGeoLine = "multiGeoLine"; var lineTemplate = lineSeries.mapLines.template; lineTemplate.nonScalingStroke = true; lineTemplate.arrow.nonScaling = true; lineTemplate.arrow.width = 4; lineTemplate.arrow.height = 6; lineTemplate.stroke = interfaceColors.getFor("alternativeBackground"); lineTemplate.fill = interfaceColors.getFor("alternativeBackground"); lineTemplate.line.strokeOpacity = 0.4; lineSeries.data = [{ "multiGeoLine": [ [ { "latitude": 51.5002, "longitude": -0.1262 }, { "latitude": 50.4422, "longitude": 30.5367 } ] ] }, { "multiGeoLine": [ [ { "latitude": 51.5002, "longitude": -0.1262 }, { "latitude": 40.4300, "longitude": -74.0000 } ] ] }, { "multiGeoLine": [ [ { "latitude": 51.5002, "longitude": -0.1262 }, { "latitude": 64.1353, "longitude": -21.8952 } ] ] }, { "multiGeoLine": [ [ { "latitude": 51.5002, "longitude": -0.1262 }, { "latitude": 37.9792, "longitude": 23.7166 } ] ] }, { "multiGeoLine": [ [ { "latitude": 51.5002, "longitude": -0.1262 }, { "latitude": 38.7072, "longitude": -9.1355 } ] ] }, { "multiGeoLine": [ [ { "latitude": 51.5002, "longitude": -0.1262 }, { "latitude": 55.7558, "longitude": 37.6176 } ] ] }, { "multiGeoLine": [ [ { "latitude": 51.5002, "longitude": -0.1262 }, { "latitude": 44.8048, "longitude": 20.4781 } ] ] }, { "multiGeoLine": [ [ { "latitude": 51.5002, "longitude": -0.1262 }, { "latitude": 48.2116, "longitude": 17.1547 } ] ] }, { "multiGeoLine": [ [ { "latitude": 51.5002, "longitude": -0.1262 }, { "latitude": 46.0514, "longitude": 14.5060 } ] ] }, { "multiGeoLine": [ [ { "latitude": 51.5002, "longitude": -0.1262 }, { "latitude": 40.4167, "longitude": -3.7033 } ] ] }, { "multiGeoLine": [ [ { "latitude": 51.5002, "longitude": -0.1262 }, { "latitude": 59.3328, "longitude": 18.0645 } ] ] }, { "multiGeoLine": [ [ { "latitude": 51.5002, "longitude": -0.1262 }, { "latitude": 46.9480, "longitude": 7.4481 } ] ] }]; }); // end am4core.ready() }); // End of use strict