//[ Javascript] $(function () { "use strict"; // Make the dashboard widgets sortable Using jquery UI $('.connectedSortable').sortable({ placeholder : 'sort-highlight', connectWith : '.connectedSortable', handle : '.box-header, .nav-tabs', forcePlaceholderSize: true, zIndex : 999999 }); $('.connectedSortable .box-header, .connectedSortable .nav-tabs-custom').css('cursor', 'move'); // jQuery UI sortable for the todo list $('.todo-list').sortable({ placeholder : 'sort-highlight', handle : '.handle', forcePlaceholderSize: true, zIndex : 999999 }); /* The todo list plugin */ $('.todo-list').todoList({ onCheck : function () { window.console.log($(this), 'The element has been checked'); }, onUnCheck: function () { window.console.log($(this), 'The element has been unchecked'); } }); }); // End of use strict