# MixItUp 3 [](https://travis-ci.org/patrickkunka/mixitup) [](https://coveralls.io/github/patrickkunka/mixitup?branch=v3) [](https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/gh/patrickkunka/mixitup) MixItUp is a high-performance, dependency-free library for animated DOM manipulation, giving you the power to filter, sort, add and remove DOM elements with beautiful animations. MixItUp plays nice with your existing HTML and CSS, making it a great choice for responsive layouts and compatible with inline-flow, percentages, media queries, flexbox and more. For a live sandbox, full documentation, tutorials and more, please visit [kunkalabs.com/mixitup](https://www.kunkalabs.com/mixitup/). Migrating from MixItUp 2? Check out the [MixItUp 3 Migration Guide](./docs/mixitup-3-migration-guide.md). #### Licensing MixItUp is open source and free to use for non-commercial, educational and non-profit use. For use in commercial projects, **a commercial license is required**. For licensing information and FAQs please see the [MixItUp Licenses](https://www.kunkalabs.com/mixitup/licenses/) page. #### Documentation - [Factory Function](./docs/mixitup.md) - [Configuration Object](./docs/mixitup.Config.md) - [Mixer API Methods](./docs/mixitup.Mixer.md) - [State Object](./docs/mixitup.State.md) - [Mixer Events](./docs/mixitup.Events.md) #### Browser Support MixItUp 3 has been tested for compatibility with the following browsers. - Chrome 16+ - Firefox 16+ - Safari 6.2+ - Yandex 14+ - Edge 13+ - IE 10+ (with animations), IE 8-9 (no animations) ## Getting Started #### Contents - [Building the Container](#building-the-container) - [Building Controls](#building-controls) - [Styling the Container](#styling-the-container) - [Loading MixItUp](#loading-mixitup) - [Creating a Mixer](#creating-a-mixer) - [Configuration](#configuration) Most commonly, MixItUp is applied to a **"container"** of **"target"** elements, which could be a portfolio of projects, a list of blog posts, a selection of products, or any kind of UI where filtering and/or sorting would be advantageous. To get started, follow these simple steps: ### Building the Container By default, MixItUp will query the container for targets matching the selector `'.mix'`. ```html