jquery.toast.js 12 KB

  1. ;
  2. // jQuery toast plugin created by Kamran Ahmed copyright MIT license 2015
  3. if ( typeof Object.create !== 'function' ) {
  4. Object.create = function( obj ) {
  5. function F() {}
  6. F.prototype = obj;
  7. return new F();
  8. };
  9. }
  10. (function( $, window, document, undefined ) {
  11. "use strict";
  12. var Toast = {
  13. _positionClasses : ['bottom-left', 'bottom-right', 'top-right', 'top-left', 'bottom-center', 'top-center', 'mid-center'],
  14. _defaultIcons : ['success', 'error', 'info', 'warning'],
  15. init: function (options, elem) {
  16. this.prepareOptions(options, $.toast.options);
  17. this.process();
  18. },
  19. prepareOptions: function(options, options_to_extend) {
  20. var _options = {};
  21. if ( ( typeof options === 'string' ) || ( options instanceof Array ) ) {
  22. _options.text = options;
  23. } else {
  24. _options = options;
  25. }
  26. this.options = $.extend( {}, options_to_extend, _options );
  27. },
  28. process: function () {
  29. this.setup();
  30. this.addToDom();
  31. this.position();
  32. this.bindToast();
  33. this.animate();
  34. },
  35. setup: function () {
  36. var _toastContent = '';
  37. this._toastEl = this._toastEl || $('<div></div>', {
  38. class : 'jq-toast-single'
  39. });
  40. // For the loader on top
  41. _toastContent += '<span class="jq-toast-loader"></span>';
  42. if ( this.options.allowToastClose ) {
  43. _toastContent += '<span class="close-jq-toast-single">&times;</span>';
  44. };
  45. if ( this.options.text instanceof Array ) {
  46. if ( this.options.heading ) {
  47. _toastContent +='<h2 class="jq-toast-heading">' + this.options.heading + '</h2>';
  48. };
  49. _toastContent += '<ul class="jq-toast-ul">';
  50. for (var i = 0; i < this.options.text.length; i++) {
  51. _toastContent += '<li class="jq-toast-li" id="jq-toast-item-' + i + '">' + this.options.text[i] + '</li>';
  52. }
  53. _toastContent += '</ul>';
  54. } else {
  55. if ( this.options.heading ) {
  56. _toastContent +='<h2 class="jq-toast-heading">' + this.options.heading + '</h2>';
  57. };
  58. _toastContent += this.options.text;
  59. }
  60. this._toastEl.html( _toastContent );
  61. if ( this.options.bgColor !== false ) {
  62. this._toastEl.css("background-color", this.options.bgColor);
  63. };
  64. if ( this.options.textColor !== false ) {
  65. this._toastEl.css("color", this.options.textColor);
  66. };
  67. if ( this.options.textAlign ) {
  68. this._toastEl.css('text-align', this.options.textAlign);
  69. }
  70. if ( this.options.icon !== false ) {
  71. this._toastEl.addClass('jq-has-icon');
  72. if ( $.inArray(this.options.icon, this._defaultIcons) !== -1 ) {
  73. this._toastEl.addClass('jq-icon-' + this.options.icon);
  74. };
  75. };
  76. },
  77. position: function () {
  78. if ( ( typeof this.options.position === 'string' ) && ( $.inArray( this.options.position, this._positionClasses) !== -1 ) ) {
  79. if ( this.options.position === 'bottom-center' ) {
  80. this._container.css({
  81. left: ( $(window).outerWidth() / 2 ) - this._container.outerWidth()/2,
  82. bottom: 20
  83. });
  84. } else if ( this.options.position === 'top-center' ) {
  85. this._container.css({
  86. left: ( $(window).outerWidth() / 2 ) - this._container.outerWidth()/2,
  87. top: 20
  88. });
  89. } else if ( this.options.position === 'mid-center' ) {
  90. this._container.css({
  91. left: ( $(window).outerWidth() / 2 ) - this._container.outerWidth()/2,
  92. top: ( $(window).outerHeight() / 2 ) - this._container.outerHeight()/2
  93. });
  94. } else {
  95. this._container.addClass( this.options.position );
  96. }
  97. } else if ( typeof this.options.position === 'object' ) {
  98. this._container.css({
  99. top : this.options.position.top ? this.options.position.top : 'auto',
  100. bottom : this.options.position.bottom ? this.options.position.bottom : 'auto',
  101. left : this.options.position.left ? this.options.position.left : 'auto',
  102. right : this.options.position.right ? this.options.position.right : 'auto'
  103. });
  104. } else {
  105. this._container.addClass( 'bottom-left' );
  106. }
  107. },
  108. bindToast: function () {
  109. var that = this;
  110. this._toastEl.on('afterShown', function () {
  111. that.processLoader();
  112. });
  113. this._toastEl.find('.close-jq-toast-single').on('click', function ( e ) {
  114. e.preventDefault();
  115. if( that.options.showHideTransition === 'fade') {
  116. that._toastEl.trigger('beforeHide');
  117. that._toastEl.fadeOut(function () {
  118. that._toastEl.trigger('afterHidden');
  119. });
  120. } else if ( that.options.showHideTransition === 'slide' ) {
  121. that._toastEl.trigger('beforeHide');
  122. that._toastEl.slideUp(function () {
  123. that._toastEl.trigger('afterHidden');
  124. });
  125. } else {
  126. that._toastEl.trigger('beforeHide');
  127. that._toastEl.hide(function () {
  128. that._toastEl.trigger('afterHidden');
  129. });
  130. }
  131. });
  132. if ( typeof this.options.beforeShow == 'function' ) {
  133. this._toastEl.on('beforeShow', function () {
  134. that.options.beforeShow();
  135. });
  136. };
  137. if ( typeof this.options.afterShown == 'function' ) {
  138. this._toastEl.on('afterShown', function () {
  139. that.options.afterShown();
  140. });
  141. };
  142. if ( typeof this.options.beforeHide == 'function' ) {
  143. this._toastEl.on('beforeHide', function () {
  144. that.options.beforeHide();
  145. });
  146. };
  147. if ( typeof this.options.afterHidden == 'function' ) {
  148. this._toastEl.on('afterHidden', function () {
  149. that.options.afterHidden();
  150. });
  151. };
  152. },
  153. addToDom: function () {
  154. var _container = $('.jq-toast-wrap');
  155. if ( _container.length === 0 ) {
  156. _container = $('<div></div>',{
  157. class: "jq-toast-wrap"
  158. });
  159. $('body').append( _container );
  160. } else if ( !this.options.stack || isNaN( parseInt(this.options.stack, 10) ) ) {
  161. _container.empty();
  162. }
  163. _container.find('.jq-toast-single:hidden').remove();
  164. _container.append( this._toastEl );
  165. if ( this.options.stack && !isNaN( parseInt( this.options.stack ), 10 ) ) {
  166. var _prevToastCount = _container.find('.jq-toast-single').length,
  167. _extToastCount = _prevToastCount - this.options.stack;
  168. if ( _extToastCount > 0 ) {
  169. $('.jq-toast-wrap').find('.jq-toast-single').slice(0, _extToastCount).remove();
  170. };
  171. }
  172. this._container = _container;
  173. },
  174. canAutoHide: function () {
  175. return ( this.options.hideAfter !== false ) && !isNaN( parseInt( this.options.hideAfter, 10 ) );
  176. },
  177. processLoader: function () {
  178. // Show the loader only, if auto-hide is on and loader is demanded
  179. if (!this.canAutoHide() || this.options.loader === false) {
  180. return false;
  181. }
  182. var loader = this._toastEl.find('.jq-toast-loader');
  183. // 400 is the default time that jquery uses for fade/slide
  184. // Divide by 1000 for milliseconds to seconds conversion
  185. var transitionTime = (this.options.hideAfter - 400) / 1000 + 's';
  186. var loaderBg = this.options.loaderBg;
  187. var style = loader.attr('style') || '';
  188. style = style.substring(0, style.indexOf('-webkit-transition')); // Remove the last transition definition
  189. style += '-webkit-transition: width ' + transitionTime + ' ease-in; \
  190. -o-transition: width ' + transitionTime + ' ease-in; \
  191. transition: width ' + transitionTime + ' ease-in; \
  192. background-color: ' + loaderBg + ';';
  193. loader.attr('style', style).addClass('jq-toast-loaded');
  194. },
  195. animate: function () {
  196. var that = this;
  197. this._toastEl.hide();
  198. this._toastEl.trigger('beforeShow');
  199. if ( this.options.showHideTransition.toLowerCase() === 'fade' ) {
  200. this._toastEl.fadeIn(function ( ){
  201. that._toastEl.trigger('afterShown');
  202. });
  203. } else if ( this.options.showHideTransition.toLowerCase() === 'slide' ) {
  204. this._toastEl.slideDown(function ( ){
  205. that._toastEl.trigger('afterShown');
  206. });
  207. } else {
  208. this._toastEl.show(function ( ){
  209. that._toastEl.trigger('afterShown');
  210. });
  211. }
  212. if (this.canAutoHide()) {
  213. var that = this;
  214. window.setTimeout(function(){
  215. if ( that.options.showHideTransition.toLowerCase() === 'fade' ) {
  216. that._toastEl.trigger('beforeHide');
  217. that._toastEl.fadeOut(function () {
  218. that._toastEl.trigger('afterHidden');
  219. });
  220. } else if ( that.options.showHideTransition.toLowerCase() === 'slide' ) {
  221. that._toastEl.trigger('beforeHide');
  222. that._toastEl.slideUp(function () {
  223. that._toastEl.trigger('afterHidden');
  224. });
  225. } else {
  226. that._toastEl.trigger('beforeHide');
  227. that._toastEl.hide(function () {
  228. that._toastEl.trigger('afterHidden');
  229. });
  230. }
  231. }, this.options.hideAfter);
  232. };
  233. },
  234. reset: function ( resetWhat ) {
  235. if ( resetWhat === 'all' ) {
  236. $('.jq-toast-wrap').remove();
  237. } else {
  238. this._toastEl.remove();
  239. }
  240. },
  241. update: function(options) {
  242. this.prepareOptions(options, this.options);
  243. this.setup();
  244. this.bindToast();
  245. }
  246. };
  247. $.toast = function(options) {
  248. var toast = Object.create(Toast);
  249. toast.init(options, this);
  250. return {
  251. reset: function ( what ) {
  252. toast.reset( what );
  253. },
  254. update: function( options ) {
  255. toast.update( options );
  256. }
  257. }
  258. };
  259. $.toast.options = {
  260. text: '',
  261. heading: '',
  262. showHideTransition: 'fade',
  263. allowToastClose: true,
  264. hideAfter: 3000,
  265. loader: true,
  266. loaderBg: '#9EC600',
  267. stack: 5,
  268. position: 'bottom-left',
  269. bgColor: false,
  270. textColor: false,
  271. textAlign: 'left',
  272. icon: false,
  273. beforeShow: function () {},
  274. afterShown: function () {},
  275. beforeHide: function () {},
  276. afterHidden: function () {}
  277. };
  278. })( jQuery, window, document );