extra_taskboard.js 987 B

  1. //[ Javascript]
  2. $(function () {
  3. "use strict";
  4. // Make the dashboard widgets sortable Using jquery UI
  5. $('.connectedSortable').sortable({
  6. placeholder : 'sort-highlight',
  7. connectWith : '.connectedSortable',
  8. handle : '.box-header, .nav-tabs',
  9. forcePlaceholderSize: true,
  10. zIndex : 999999
  11. });
  12. $('.connectedSortable .box-header, .connectedSortable .nav-tabs-custom').css('cursor', 'move');
  13. // jQuery UI sortable for the todo list
  14. $('.todo-list').sortable({
  15. placeholder : 'sort-highlight',
  16. handle : '.handle',
  17. forcePlaceholderSize: true,
  18. zIndex : 999999
  19. });
  20. /* The todo list plugin */
  21. $('.todo-list').todoList({
  22. onCheck : function () {
  23. window.console.log($(this), 'The element has been checked');
  24. },
  25. onUnCheck: function () {
  26. window.console.log($(this), 'The element has been unchecked');
  27. }
  28. });
  29. }); // End of use strict