changelog.txt 1.6 KB

  2. 2013.02.15 - Version 2.0
  3. * Added changelog.txt
  4. 2014.05.7 - Version 2.2.2
  5. * Added flexslider.less
  6. 2015.02.11 - Version 2.3.0
  7. * Fix for pauseInvisible attribute for Chrome and the Page Visibility API
  8. 2015.02.27 - Version 2.4.0
  9. * Update for improved standards. Adds classes to li nav elements. Reset for li elements in stylesheet.
  10. 2015.05.19 - Version 2.5.0
  11. * CSS fix for pausePlay play icon.
  12. * Firefox touchstart event fix.
  13. * Compatibility change for jQuery to 1.7.0+
  14. * Adds customDirectionNav param for custom navigation controls
  15. 2015.11.16 - Version 2.6.0
  16. * Adds composer json file keywords
  17. * Scope fix for focused keyword
  18. * Fixes bower demo folder exclusion
  19. * z-index fix for disabled nav arrow
  20. * play/pause accessibility fix
  21. * itemMargin fix for slider items margins
  22. * Fixes accessibility for in focus elements and pagination controls
  23. * Firefox fix for text selection on slider carousel
  24. * Adds data-thumb-alt image alt attribute
  25. 2016.05.12 - Version 2.6.1
  26. * smoothHeight now uses innerHeight() instead of height() to account for padding in calculation.
  27. * Defining var altText to prevent error.
  28. * bower.json add fonts folder on main field.
  29. * Changed `true` to `false` in order to make sure whether or not to allow a slider comprised of a single slide.
  30. 2016.08.18 - Version 2.6.2
  31. * Fixes overflow issue with varying height images.
  32. * Fixes the visibility of the pagination and the navigation in the "fade" mode.
  33. 2016.09.06 - Version 2.6.3
  34. * Rollback fade fixes, due to harsh fade reports.
  35. 2018.02.01 - Version 2.7.0
  36. * Fixes resize method call for orientationchange.
  37. * Adds RTL feature - param "rtl" added.
  38. * Adds RTL demo's.