index.html 38 KB

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html>
  3. <head>
  4. <title>Bootstrap Lightbox</title>
  5. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  6. <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  7. <link href="../dist/ekko-lightbox.css" rel="stylesheet">
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  41. h2 {
  42. background-color:#02709e;
  43. color:white;
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  46. margin-top:100px;
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  52. margin-top: 50px;
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  54. h4:not(.modal-title) {
  55. margin-top:25px;
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  90. color:#ccc;
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  113. <div class="top-header">
  114. <h1>Lightbox for Bootstrap</h1>
  115. <p class="lead">Utilizes Bootstraps modal plugin to implement a lightbox gallery - <a href="//">GitHub</a></p>
  116. <div class="text-center">
  117. <iframe src="" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="100 " height="20"></iframe>
  118. <iframe src="" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="100" height="20"></iframe>
  119. <iframe src="" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="160" height="20"></iframe>
  120. </div>
  121. </div>
  122. </div>
  123. </div>
  124. </div>
  125. </div>
  126. <div class="container">
  127. <div class="row">
  128. <div class="col-md-10 offset-md-1">
  129. <h2>Install</h2>
  130. <p>Grab the latest CSS / JS files from the CDN: <a href=""></a>.</p>
  131. <p>Or, with bower: <code>bower install ekko-lightbox --save</code></p>
  132. <p>Or, download the files directly: <a href=""></a></p>
  133. <br /><br />
  134. <p>Place this near on your page, probably near the end of the body section:</p>
  135. <code class="block-code">$(document).on('click', '[data-toggle="lightbox"]', function(event) {
  136. event.preventDefault();
  137. $(this).ekkoLightbox();
  138. });</code>
  139. <br /><br />
  140. <p>Then simply add <code>data-toggle</code> to your anchor tags.</p>
  141. <code class="block-code">&lt;a href=&quot;; data-toggle=&quot;lightbox&quot;&gt;
  142. &lt;img src=&quot;; class=&quot;img-fluid&quot;&gt;
  143. &lt;/a&gt;
  144. </code>
  145. <br /><br />
  146. <p>Obviously, you need Bootstrap. Made for Bootstrap v4 but *should* work with v3.</p>
  147. <h2>Options</h2>
  148. <p>Options are passed down to the modal object so you can also use any of the <a href="">original modal options</a>.</p>
  149. <p>Pass the options to the calling function as an object, or set defaults using <code>$.fn.ekkoLightbox.defaults</code> (excluding modal default options, notable: title, footer, remote)</p>
  150. <div class="table-responsive">
  151. <table class="table table-bordered">
  152. <thead>
  153. <tr>
  154. <th>Name</th>
  155. <th>type</th>
  156. <th>default</th>
  157. <th>description</th>
  158. <th>data-*</th>
  159. </tr>
  160. </thead>
  161. <tbody>
  162. <tr>
  163. <td>leftArrow / rightArrow</td>
  164. <td>html</td>
  165. <td><code>&#10094;</code> / <code>&#10095;</code></td>
  166. <td>HTML for the arrows</td>
  167. <td></td>
  168. </tr>
  169. <tr>
  170. <td>wrapping</td>
  171. <td>boolean</td>
  172. <td><code>true</code></td>
  173. <td>Whether the gallery should loop or not</td>
  174. <td></td>
  175. </tr>
  176. <tr>
  177. <td>width / height</td>
  178. <td>integer</td>
  179. <td></td>
  180. <td>Force the width / height</td>
  181. <td><code>data-(width|height)="[0-9]+"</code></td>
  182. </tr>
  183. <tr>
  184. <td>alwaysShowClose</td>
  185. <td>boolean</td>
  186. <td><code>false</code></td>
  187. <td>Always show the close button, even if no title is present</td>
  188. <td></td>
  189. </tr>
  190. <tr>
  191. <td>loadingMessage</td>
  192. <td>html</td>
  193. <td>A fancy loader</td>
  194. <td>HTML injected for loading</td>
  195. <td></td>
  196. </tr>
  197. <tr>
  198. <td>showArrows</td>
  199. <td>bool</td>
  200. <td>true</td>
  201. <td>Disable the navigation overlay</td>
  202. <td></td>
  203. </tr>
  204. </tbody>
  205. </table>
  206. </div>
  207. <code class="block-code">$(this).ekkoLightbox({
  208. alwaysShowClose: true,
  209. onShown: function() {
  210. console.log('Checking our the events huh?');
  211. },
  212. onNavigate: function(direction, itemIndex)
  213. console.log('Navigating '+direction+'. Current item: '+itemIndex);
  214. }
  215. ...
  216. });</code>
  217. <br /><br />
  218. <p>The following options are specified per element.</p>
  219. <div class="table-responsive">
  220. <table class="table table-bordered">
  221. <thead>
  222. <tr>
  223. <th>Name</th>
  224. <th>Description</th>
  225. <th>Example</th>
  226. </tr>
  227. </thead>
  228. <tbody>
  229. <tr>
  230. <td>remote</td>
  231. <td>If you can't/don't want to set the href property of an element</td>
  232. <td><code>data-remote="http://www...."</code></td>
  233. </tr>
  234. <tr>
  235. <td>gallery</td>
  236. <td>For grouping elements</td>
  237. <td><code>data-gallery="gallery-name"</code></td>
  238. </tr>
  239. <tr>
  240. <td>type</td>
  241. <td>Force the lightbox into image/YouTube mode.</td>
  242. <td><code>data-type="(image|youtube|vimeo)"</code></td>
  243. </tr>
  244. <tr>
  245. <td>disable-external-check</td>
  246. <td>Force the lightbox loading into an iframe.</td>
  247. <td><code>data-disable-external-check="(true|false)"</code></td>
  248. </tr>
  249. </tbody>
  250. </table>
  251. </div>
  252. <code class="block-code">&lt;a href=&quot;; data-toggle=&quot;lightbox&quot; data-gallery=&quot;example-gallery&quot; data-type=&quot;image&quot;&gt;
  253. &lt;img src=&quot;; class=&quot;img-fluid&quot;&gt;
  254. &lt;/a&gt;</code>
  255. <h2>Events</h2>
  256. <p>Events can be hooked into, set the the same as options above.</p>
  257. <div class="table-responsive">
  258. <table class="table table-bordered">
  259. <thead>
  260. <tr>
  261. <th>Name</th>
  262. <th>Description</th>
  263. </tr>
  264. </thead>
  265. <tbody>
  266. <tr>
  267. <td>onContentLoaded</td>
  268. <td>Fired when content (image/video/remote page etc) has been fully loaded.</td>
  269. </tr>
  270. <tr>
  271. <td>onNavigate</td>
  272. <td>Fired before navigating a gallery.</td>
  273. </tr>
  274. <tr>
  275. <td>onShow/onShown/onHide/onHidden</td>
  276. <td>Inherited from the bootstrap modal.</td>
  277. </tr>
  278. </tbody>
  279. </table>
  280. </div>
  281. <h2>Examples</h2>
  282. <p>Thanks to <a href=""></a> for the images.</p>
  283. <ul>
  284. <li><a href="#single-image">Single Image</a></li>
  285. <li><a href="#image-gallery">Image Gallery</a></li>
  286. <li><a href="#videos">Videos</a></li>
  287. <li><a href="#videos-gallery">Gallery of Videos</a></li>
  288. <li><a href="#mixed-gallery">Mixed gallery</a></li>
  289. <li><a href="#programatically-call">Programmatically call</a></li>
  290. <li><a href="#data-remote">Via <code>data-remote</code></a></li>
  291. <li><a href="#force-type">Force type</a></li>
  292. <li><a href="#hidden-elements">Hidden elements</a></li>
  293. <li><a href="#remote-content">Remote content</a></li>
  294. <li><a href="#no-wrapping">Disable wrapping</a></li>
  295. </ul>
  296. <h3 id="single-image">Single Image</h3>
  297. <p>Note: uses modal plugin title option via <code>data-title</code>, and the custom footer tag using <code>data-footer</code></p>
  298. <div class="row">
  299. <div class="offset-sm-4 col-sm-3" data-code="example-1">
  300. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-title="A random title" data-footer="A custom footer text">
  301. <img src="" class="img-fluid">
  302. </a>
  303. </div>
  304. </div>
  305. <code class="html" data-code="example-1"></code>
  306. <h3 id="image-gallery">Image Gallery</h3>
  307. <p>Galleries are created by adding the <code>data-gallery</code> attribute.</p>
  308. <div data-code="example-2">
  309. <div class="row">
  310. <div class="offset-md-2 col-md-8">
  311. <div class="row">
  312. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="example-gallery" class="col-sm-4">
  313. <img src="" class="img-fluid">
  314. </a>
  315. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="example-gallery" class="col-sm-4">
  316. <img src="" class="img-fluid">
  317. </a>
  318. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="example-gallery" class="col-sm-4">
  319. <img src="" class="img-fluid">
  320. </a>
  321. </div>
  322. <div class="row">
  323. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="example-gallery" class="col-sm-4">
  324. <img src="" class="img-fluid">
  325. </a>
  326. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="example-gallery" class="col-sm-4">
  327. <img src="" class="img-fluid">
  328. </a>
  329. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="example-gallery" class="col-sm-4">
  330. <img src="" class="img-fluid">
  331. </a>
  332. </div>
  333. </div>
  334. </div>
  335. </div>
  336. <code class="html" data-code="example-2"></code>
  337. <h3 id="image-gallery">Image Gallery</h3>
  338. <p>Galleries are created by adding the <code>data-gallery</code> attribute.</p>
  339. <div data-code="example-2">
  340. <div class="row">
  341. <div class="offset-md-2 col-md-8">
  342. <div class="row">
  343. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="example-gallery" class="col-sm-4">
  344. <img src="" class="img-fluid">
  345. </a>
  346. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="example-gallery" class="col-sm-4">
  347. <img src="" class="img-fluid">
  348. </a>
  349. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="example-gallery" class="col-sm-4">
  350. <img src="" class="img-fluid">
  351. </a>
  352. </div>
  353. <div class="row">
  354. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="example-gallery" class="col-sm-4">
  355. <img src="" class="img-fluid">
  356. </a>
  357. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="example-gallery" class="col-sm-4">
  358. <img src="" class="img-fluid">
  359. </a>
  360. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="example-gallery" class="col-sm-4">
  361. <img src="" class="img-fluid">
  362. </a>
  363. </div>
  364. </div>
  365. </div>
  366. </div>
  367. <code class="html" data-code="example-2"></code>
  368. <h3 id="videos">Videos</h3>
  369. <h4>YouTube</h4>
  370. <p>You can use various YouTube URL formats, the regex used is: <code>/^.*(\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|\&v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/</code></p>
  371. <div data-code="example-3">
  372. <p><a href="" data-toggle="lightbox">Justin Bieber - Love Yourself</a></p>
  373. <p><a href="" data-toggle="lightbox">Tame Impala - Elephant (using link)</a></p>
  374. <p><a href="" data-toggle="lightbox">Justin Bieber - Love Yourself</a> (suppress related videos with <code>&rel=0</code>)</p>
  375. </div>
  376. <code data-code="example-3" data-trim="all"></code>
  377. <h4>Vimeo</h4>
  378. <p>You cannot embed Vimeo videos using the standard url (ie; you must link to the embed source (ie This will mean your link url - if the JavaScript fails, will open the full screen player (try opening the first link below in a new tab); the solution to this is to set the lightbox source directly - the second link below does this.</p>
  379. <div data-code="example-3-b">
  380. <p><a href="" data-toggle="lightbox">City Lights - from Colin Rich (using embed link)</a></p>
  381. <p><a href="" data-remote="" data-toggle="lightbox">City Lights - from Colin Rich</a> (with reccommended <code>data-remote</code> setting)</p>
  382. </div>
  383. <code data-code="example-3-b" data-trim="all"></code>
  384. <h4>Instagram</h4>
  385. <p></p>
  386. <div data-code="example-3-c">
  387. <p><a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-title="Plug for our new service">Instagram</a></p>
  388. <p>This also works with photos: <a href="//" data-toggle="lightbox">Instagram</a></p>
  389. </div>
  390. <code data-code="example-3-c" data-trim="all"></code>
  391. <h4>Forcing width</h4>
  392. <p>Set the width of the video</p>
  393. <div data-code="example-3-d">
  394. <p><a href="" data-toggle="lightbox">Taylor Swift - Blank Space (standard)</a></p>
  395. <p><a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-width="640">Taylor Swift - Blank Space (640 x 360)</a></p>
  396. <p><a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-width="1280">Taylor Swift - Blank Space (1280 x 780)</a></p>
  397. </div>
  398. <code data-code="example-3-d" data-trim="all"></code>
  399. <!-- i hope your coworkers think you're listening to some justin and taylor -->
  400. <h3 id="videos-gallery">Gallery of Videos</h3>
  401. <div class="row">
  402. <div class="offset-md-1 col-md-10">
  403. <div class="row" data-code="example-4">
  404. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="youtubevideos" class="col-sm-4">
  405. <img src="//" class="img-fluid">
  406. </a>
  407. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="youtubevideos" class="col-sm-4">
  408. <img src="//" class="img-fluid">
  409. </a>
  410. <a href="//" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="youtubevideos" class="col-sm-4">
  411. <img src="//" class="img-fluid">
  412. </a>
  413. </div>
  414. </div>
  415. </div>
  416. <code data-code="example-4"></code>
  417. <h3 id="mixed-gallery">Mixed gallery</h3>
  418. <div class="row">
  419. <div class="offset-md-1 col-md-10">
  420. <div class="row flex-items-xs-center" data-code="example-5">
  421. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="mixedgallery" class="col-sm-4">
  422. <img src="//" class="img-fluid">
  423. </a>
  424. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="mixedgallery" class="col-sm-4">
  425. <img src="" class="img-fluid">
  426. </a>
  427. <a href="" data-remote="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="mixedgallery" class="col-sm-4">
  428. <img src="//" class="img-fluid">
  429. </a>
  430. </div>
  431. </div>
  432. </div>
  433. <code data-code="example-5"></code>
  434. <h3 id="programatically-call">Programmatically call</h3>
  435. <p>These two examples are opened via the JavaScript at the bottom of the source.</p>
  436. <div class="row">
  437. <div class="offset-md-1 col-md-10">
  438. <div class="row" data-code="example-6">
  439. <a href="" id="open-image" class="col-sm-4">
  440. <img src="" class="img-fluid">
  441. </a>
  442. <a href="" id="open-youtube" class="col-sm-4">
  443. <img src="//" class="img-fluid">
  444. </a>
  445. </div>
  446. </div>
  447. </div>
  448. <code data-code="example-6"></code>
  449. <code class="block-code">$(&#39;#open-image&#39;).click(function (e) {
  450. e.preventDefault();
  451. $(this).ekkoLightbox();
  452. });
  453. $(&#39;#open-youtube&#39;).click(function (e) {
  454. e.preventDefault();
  455. $(this).ekkoLightbox();
  456. });</code>
  457. <h3 id="data-remote">Via <code>data-remote</code></h3>
  458. <p>Neither of these are <code>&lt;a /&gt;</code> tags, so both rely on the <code>data-remote</code> attribute.</p>
  459. <div class="row">
  460. <div class="offset-md-1 col-md-10">
  461. <div class="row" data-code="example-7" style="height:200px">
  462. <img src="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-remote="" class="img-fluid col-sm-4">
  463. <img src="//" data-toggle="lightbox" data-remote="//" class="img-fluid col-sm-4">
  464. </div>
  465. </div>
  466. </div>
  467. <code data-code="example-7"></code>
  468. <h3 id="force-type">Force type</h3>
  469. <p>If the images you are linking to have no extension, the lightbox cannot detect that is an image; therefore you need to tell the lightbox what <code>data-type</code> it is.</p>
  470. <p>Current allowed types are: <code>['image', 'youtube', 'vimeo', 'instagram', 'video', 'url']</code></p>
  471. <div data-code="example-8">
  472. <p><a href="" data-title="Force image display" data-footer="The remote of this modal has no extension ( but works because the type is forced." data-toggle="lightbox" data-type="image">Click here for an image, but with no extension.</a></p>
  473. <p><a href="" data-footer="Without the type forced, the lightbox will remote load the content" data-toggle="lightbox">This link is missing the type attribute, and will iframe the image.</a></p>
  474. <p><a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-type="image">This link is linking to a YouTube video, but forcing an image.</a></p>
  475. </div>
  476. <code data-code="example-8"></code>
  477. <h3 id="hidden-elements">Hidden elements</h3>
  478. <p>Facebook style, only show a few images but have a large gallery</p>
  479. <div class="row">
  480. <div class="offset-md-2 col-md-8">
  481. <div class="row" data-code="example-9">
  482. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="hidden-images" class="col-sm-4">
  483. <img src="" class="img-fluid">
  484. </a>
  485. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="hidden-images" class="col-sm-4">
  486. <img src="" class="img-fluid">
  487. </a>
  488. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="hidden-images" class="col-sm-4">
  489. <img src="" class="img-fluid">
  490. </a>
  491. <!-- elements not showing, use data-remote -->
  492. <div data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="hidden-images" data-remote="" data-title="Hidden item 1"></div>
  493. <div data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="hidden-images" data-remote="//" data-title="Hidden item 2"></div>
  494. <div data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="hidden-images" data-remote="" data-title="Hidden item 3"></div>
  495. <div data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="hidden-images" data-remote="" data-title="Hidden item 4"></div>
  496. <div data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="hidden-images" data-remote="" data-title="Hidden item 5"></div>
  497. </div>
  498. </div>
  499. </div>
  500. <code data-code="example-9"></code>
  501. <h3 id="remote-content">Remote content</h3>
  502. <p>Given a URL, that is not an image or video (including unforced types), load the content using an iFrame.</p>
  503. <div class="row">
  504. <div class="offset-md-1 col-md-10" data-code="example-10">
  505. <div class="row">
  506. <p class="col-sm-3"><a href="" data-title="Bootstrap" data-width="1200" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="remoteload">Bootstrap Docs</a></p>
  507. </div>
  508. </div>
  509. </div>
  510. <code data-code="example-10"></code>
  511. <h3 id="no-wrapping">Disable wrapping</h3>
  512. <p>To disable wrapping, set `wrapping` to false when creating a gallery.</p>
  513. <div>
  514. <div class="row">
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  521. <img src="" class="img-fluid">
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  523. <a href="" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="example-gallery-11" class="col-sm-4">
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  541. <code class="html" data-code>$(this).ekkoLightbox({ wrapping: false });</code>
  542. <p class="footer"><span>Built by me, <a href="">ashleydw</a></span></p>
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  554. // delegate calls to data-toggle="lightbox"
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  558. onShown: function() {
  559. if (window.console) {
  560. return console.log('Checking our the events huh?');
  561. }
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  564. if (window.console) {
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  577. //Programmatically call
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  592. e.preventDefault();
  593. this.navigateTo(2);
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