mixitup.md 1.5 KB


Version added: 3.0.0

mixitup(container [,config] [,foreignDoc])

The mixitup() "factory" function creates and returns individual instances of MixItUp, known as "mixers", on which API methods can be called.

When loading MixItUp via a script tag, the factory function is accessed via the global variable mixitup. When using a module loading system (e.g. ES2015, CommonJS, RequireJS), the factory function is exported into your module when you require the MixItUp library.

Type Name Description
Param Element, string container A DOM element or selector string representing the container(s) on which to instantiate MixItUp.
Param object [config] An optional "configuration object" used to customize the behavior of the MixItUp instance.
Param object [foreignDoc] An optional reference to a document, which can be used to control a MixItUp instance in an iframe.
Returns mixitup.Mixer A "mixer" object holding the MixItUp instance.
Example 1: Creating a mixer instance with an element reference
var containerEl = document.querySelector('.container');

var mixer = mixitup(containerEl);
Example 2: Creating a mixer instance with a selector string
var mixer = mixitup('.container');
Example 3: Passing a configuration object
var mixer = mixitup(containerEl, {
    animation: {
        effects: 'fade scale(0.5)'
Example 4: Passing an iframe reference
var mixer = mixitup(containerEl, config, foreignDocument);