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- // WeatherIcon.js is released as
- // "Creative Commons - Attribution - ShareAlike 3.0".
- //
- // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
- //
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- // You are free to:
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- // Share Ñ copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
- // Adapt Ñ remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
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- // No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the material.
- "use strict";
- var WeatherIcon = (function(){
- function WeatherIcon(container,stroke,shadow) {
- this.isPlaying = false;
- this.canvas = new WeatherIcon.Canvas(container);
- this.canvas.setCanvasSize(128,128);
- this.fps = 30;
- this.particlesBorder = 20;
- this.spf = 1000/this.fps;
- this.objects = [];
- this.particles = [];
- this.timer = false;
- // fill
- this.canvas.ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
- // stroke
- if (stroke) {
- this.stroke = true;
- this.canvas.ctx.lineWidth = 2;
- this.canvas.ctx.strokeStyle = '#000';
- } else {
- this.stroke = false;
- this.canvas.ctx.strokeStyle = 'transparent';
- }
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- if(shadow) {
- this.canvas.ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0;
- this.canvas.ctx.shadowOffsetY = 0;
- this.canvas.ctx.shadowBlur = 5;
- this.canvas.ctx.shadowColor = "black";
- }
- };
- // Point
- WeatherIcon.Canvas = (function(){
- // Canvas
- function Canvas(obj,id) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj.nodeName=='CANVAS') {
- this.canvas = obj;
- } else {
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- if (Canvas.ieMode) G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(this.canvas);
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- Canvas.prototype = {
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- setCanvasSize:function(w,h) {
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- setHtmlSize:function(w,h) {
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- },
- drawBox:function(w,h,rad) {
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- },
- clear:function(){
- this.ctx.clearRect(0,0,this.canvas.width,this.canvas.height);
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- }
- Canvas.supported = function() {
- // Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported
- var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
- return (canvas.getContext) ? true:false;
- }
- // Detect internet explorer to load google canvas code (G_vmlCanvasManager)
- var
- rv = -1, // Default value assumes no ie
- ua = navigator.userAgent,
- re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})");
- if (re.exec(ua) != null) rv = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 );
- Canvas.ieMode = (rv>-1&&rv<9);
- return Canvas;}());
- // Point
- WeatherIcon.Point = (function(){
- function Point(x, y){ this.x = x || 0; this.y = y || 0; };
- Point.prototype.add = function(p){ this.x+=p.x;this.y+=p.y };
- Point.prototype.set = function(x,y){ this.x=x;this.y=y };
- Point.prototype.prod = function(n){ this.x*=n;this.y*=n };
- Point.prototype.clone = function() { return new WeatherIcon.Point(this.x, this.y); };
- Point.prototype.rotate = function(r) {var x = this.x;var y = this.y;this.x = x*r.x-y*r.y;this.y = x*r.y+y*r.x;};
- return Point;}());
- // Circle
- WeatherIcon.Circle = function( center , r ){ this.center=center;this.r=r };
- // Prototype
- WeatherIcon.prototype = {
- draw:function(){
- var n;
- this.canvas.clear();
- n = this.particles.length;
- while(n--) {
- this.particles[n].update(10);
- this.particles[n].draw(this.canvas.ctx);
- }
- n = this.objects.length;
- while(n--) {
- this.objects[n].update(10);
- this.objects[n].draw(this.canvas.ctx);
- }
- },
- update:function() {
- this.isPlaying = true;
- this.draw();
- this.timer = setTimeout(this.update.bind(this),this.spf);
- },
- play:function() {
- this.stop();
- this.update();
- },
- stop:function(){
- this.isPlaying=false;
- if (this.timer) {
- clearTimeout(this.timer);
- this.timer = false;
- }
- },
- setBody:function(body){
- this.body = body;
- },
- setIcon:function(icon){
- this.icon = icon;
- },
- toggle:function() {
- this.isPlaying?this.stop():this.play();
- },
- change:function(icon,mode){
- this.icon = icon;
- this.setIcon(icon);
- this.setBody(mode===WeatherIcon.NIGHT?WeatherIcon.NIGHT:WeatherIcon.DAY);
- this.build();
- this.draw();
- },
- addRain:function(type){
- type = type==WeatherIcon.LIGHT?WeatherIcon.LIGHT:WeatherIcon.HEAVY;
- var
- speed = 0.2,
- angle = 0.2,
- yo = 60,
- n = WeatherIcon.particles[type].length;
- while(n--) this.particles.push(new WeatherIcon.Drop(WeatherIcon.particles[type][n],speed,angle,yo));
- },
- addSnow:function(type){
- type = type==WeatherIcon.LIGHT?WeatherIcon.LIGHT:WeatherIcon.HEAVY;
- var
- speed = 0.2,
- angle = 0.2,
- yo = 60,
- n = WeatherIcon.particles[type].length;
- while(n--) this.particles.push(new WeatherIcon.Snow(WeatherIcon.particles[type][n],speed,angle,yo));
- },
- addSleet:function(){
- // add rain and snow
- var
- type = WeatherIcon.LIGHT,
- speed = 0.2,
- angle = 0.2,
- yo = 60,
- n = WeatherIcon.particles[type].length;
- while(n--) {
- var drop = (n%2) ? new WeatherIcon.Drop(WeatherIcon.particles[type][n],speed,angle,yo):new WeatherIcon.Snow(WeatherIcon.particles[type][n],speed,angle,yo);
- this.particles.push(drop);
- }
- },
- build:function(){
- this.objects = [];
- this.particles = [];
- switch(this.icon) {
- case WeatherIcon.SUN:
- this.objects.push(this.body==WeatherIcon.DAY?new WeatherIcon.Sun(64,64,30):new WeatherIcon.Moon(64,64,30));
- break;
- case WeatherIcon.LIGHTCLOUD:
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Cloud(80,100,40));
- this.objects.push(this.body==WeatherIcon.DAY?new WeatherIcon.Sun(64,64,30):new WeatherIcon.Moon(64,64,30));
- break;
- case WeatherIcon.PARTLYCLOUD:
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Cloud(68,90,80));
- this.objects.push(this.body==WeatherIcon.DAY?new WeatherIcon.Sun(64,54,30):new WeatherIcon.Moon(64,54,30));
- break;
- case WeatherIcon.CLOUD:
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Cloud(90,80,40));
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Cloud(68,60,80));
- break;
- case WeatherIcon.LIGHTRAINSUN:
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Cloud(68,60,80));
- this.objects.push(this.body==WeatherIcon.DAY?new WeatherIcon.Sun(40,30,20):new WeatherIcon.Moon(40,30,20));
- this.addRain(WeatherIcon.LIGHT);
- break;
- case WeatherIcon.SLEETSUN:
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Cloud(68,60,80));
- this.objects.push(this.body==WeatherIcon.DAY?new WeatherIcon.Sun(40,30,20):new WeatherIcon.Moon(40,30,20));
- this.addSleet();
- break;
- case WeatherIcon.SNOWSUN:
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Cloud(68,60,80));
- this.objects.push(this.body==WeatherIcon.DAY?new WeatherIcon.Sun(40,30,20):new WeatherIcon.Moon(40,30,20));
- this.addSnow(WeatherIcon.LIGHT);
- break;
- case WeatherIcon.SNOW:
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Cloud(68,50,80));
- this.addSnow();
- break;
- case WeatherIcon.SNOWTHUNDER:
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Cloud(68,50,80));
- this.addSnow(WeatherIcon.LIGHT);
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Thunder(55,82,0.8));
- break;
- case WeatherIcon.THUNDER:
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Cloud(68,50,80));
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Thunder(30,75,0.6));
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Thunder(60,80,0.7));
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Thunder(90,75,0.6));
- break;
- case WeatherIcon.SLEETSUNTHUNDER:
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Cloud(68,60,80));
- this.objects.push(this.body==WeatherIcon.DAY?new WeatherIcon.Sun(40,30,20):new WeatherIcon.Moon(40,30,20));
- this.addSleet();
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Thunder(95,85,0.7));
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Thunder(58,88,0.8));
- break;
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Cloud(68,60,80));
- this.objects.push(this.body==WeatherIcon.DAY?new WeatherIcon.Sun(40,30,20):new WeatherIcon.Moon(40,30,20));
- this.addRain(WeatherIcon.LIGHT);
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Thunder(30,75,0.6));
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Thunder(58,90,0.7));
- break;
- case WeatherIcon.SNOWSUNTHUNDER:
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Cloud(68,60,80));
- this.objects.push(this.body==WeatherIcon.DAY?new WeatherIcon.Sun(40,30,20):new WeatherIcon.Moon(40,30,20));
- this.addSnow(WeatherIcon.LIGHT);
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Thunder(30,75,0.6));
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Thunder(58,90,0.7));
- break;
- case WeatherIcon.LIGHTRAIN:
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Cloud(68,50,80));
- this.addRain(WeatherIcon.LIGHT);
- break;
- case WeatherIcon.RAIN:
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Cloud(68,50,80));
- this.addRain();
- break;
- case WeatherIcon.FOG:
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Fog(68,90,80));
- this.objects.push(this.body==WeatherIcon.DAY?new WeatherIcon.Sun(64,54,30):new WeatherIcon.Moon(64,54,30));
- break;
- case WeatherIcon.LIGHTRAINTHUNDER:
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Cloud(68,50,80));
- this.addRain(WeatherIcon.LIGHT);
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Thunder(30,72,0.7));
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Thunder(58,88,0.8));
- break;
- case WeatherIcon.RAINTHUNDER:
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Cloud(68,50,80));
- this.addRain();
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Thunder(30,72,0.7));
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Thunder(58,88,0.8));
- break;
- case WeatherIcon.SLEETTHUNDER:
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Cloud(68,50,80));
- this.addSleet();
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Thunder(95,85,0.7));
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Thunder(58,88,0.8));
- break;
- case WeatherIcon.EXTREME: // TODO
- case WeatherIcon.SLEET:
- this.objects.push(new WeatherIcon.Cloud(68,50,80));
- this.addSleet();
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- WeatherIcon.Cloud = (function(){
- var Cloud = function(xo,yo,w) {
- xo=xo?xo:68;
- yo=yo?yo:50;
- w=w?w:80;
- var h = w*0.5;
- var center = new WeatherIcon.Point(xo,yo);
- var size = new WeatherIcon.Point(w,h)
- var sizeMed = new WeatherIcon.Point(w>>1,h>>1)
- this.size = size;
- this.po = new WeatherIcon.Point( center.x - sizeMed.x , center.y );
- this.p1 = this.po.clone();
- this.p1.x += size.x;
- this.cl = new WeatherIcon.Circle(new WeatherIcon.Point( center.x - sizeMed.x , center.y ),w*0.14);
- this.cr = new WeatherIcon.Circle(new WeatherIcon.Point( center.x + sizeMed.x , center.y + w*0.03 ),w*0.1);
- this.ca = new WeatherIcon.Circle(new WeatherIcon.Point(center.x - sizeMed.x*0.42 , center.y ),w*0.35);
- this.cb = new WeatherIcon.Circle(new WeatherIcon.Point(center.x + sizeMed.x*0.45 , center.y ),w*0.25);
- this.cc = new WeatherIcon.Circle(new WeatherIcon.Point(center.x - sizeMed.x*0.20 , center.y ),w*0.28);
- this.pi = Math.PI;
- this.pi2 = this.pi/2;
- this.p2 = new WeatherIcon.Point( +this.w , this.h );
- }
- Cloud.prototype = {
- update:function(dt) {},
- draw:function(ctx) {
- // fill
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.arc(this.cl.center.x,this.cl.center.y, this.cl.r , 0, 2*this.pi );
- ctx.arc(this.cl.center.x+this.cl.r,this.cl.center.y, this.cl.r , 0, 2*this.pi );
- ctx.arc(this.cc.center.x,this.cc.center.y, this.cc.r , 0 , 2*this.pi );
- ctx.arc(this.ca.center.x,this.ca.center.y, this.ca.r , this.pi , 0 );
- ctx.arc(this.cb.center.x,this.cb.center.y, this.cb.r , 0 , 2*this.pi );
- ctx.arc(this.cr.center.x,this.cr.center.y, 1.3*this.cr.r , 0, 2*this.pi );
- ctx.closePath();
- ctx.stroke();
- ctx.fill();
- }
- };
- return Cloud;}());
- WeatherIcon.Snow = (function(){
- var Snow = function(posIni,speed,angle_,yo) {
- this.angle = angle_;
- this.speed = speed;
- this.posIni = posIni;
- this.w = 3;
- this.dy = this.w*4;
- this.pos = this.posIni.clone();
- this.rot = new WeatherIcon.Point(Math.cos(this.angle),Math.sin(this.angle));
- this.v = new WeatherIcon.Point(0,this.speed);
- this.v.rotate(this.rot);
- this.po = new WeatherIcon.Point( );
- this.po.add(this.pos);
- // reset position
- var dy = this.po.y - yo;
- var m = this.rot.y/this.rot.x;
- this.pr = new WeatherIcon.Point( this.po.x+dy*m , yo );
- this.angle = Math.PI/3.5;
- this.angle2 = 2*this.angle;
- this.r = (this.w>>1);
- };
- Snow.prototype = {
- reset:function(){
- this.po.set(0,0);
- this.po.add(this.pr);
- },
- update:function(dt) {
- var dPos = new WeatherIcon.Point(this.v.x*dt,this.v.y*dt);
- this.po.add(dPos);
- if (this.po.y>128) { this.reset(); }
- },
- draw:function(ctx) {
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.arc(this.po.x,this.po.y + this.dy , this.w , 0, 6.28 );
- ctx.closePath();
- ctx.stroke();
- ctx.fill();
- /*
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.save();
- ctx.translate( this.po.x,this.po.y );
- ctx.rect(-this.r , 0 , this.w , 1);
- ctx.rotate(-this.angle);
- ctx.rect(-this.r , 0 , this.w , 1);
- ctx.rotate(this.angle2);
- ctx.rect(-this.r , 0 , this.w , 1);
- ctx.restore();
- ctx.closePath();
- ctx.stroke();
- ctx.fill();
- */
- }
- }
- return Snow;}());
- WeatherIcon.Drop = (function(){
- var Drop = function(posIni,speed,angle_,yo) {
- this.angle = angle_;
- this.speed = speed;
- this.posIni = posIni;
- this.isFreeze = false;
- this.elongation = 2;
- this.w = 10;
- this.h = this.w*this.elongation;
- this.pos = this.posIni.clone();
- this.rot = new WeatherIcon.Point(Math.cos(this.angle),Math.sin(this.angle));
- this.v = new WeatherIcon.Point(0,this.speed);
- this.v.rotate(this.rot);
- this.po = new WeatherIcon.Point( );
- this.p1 = new WeatherIcon.Point( -this.w , this.h );
- this.p2 = new WeatherIcon.Point( +this.w , this.h );
- this.p1.rotate(this.rot);
- this.p2.rotate(this.rot);
- this.po.add(this.pos);
- this.p1.add(this.pos);
- this.p2.add(this.pos);
- // reset position
- var dy = this.po.y - yo;
- var m = this.rot.y/this.rot.x;
- var xo = this.po.x+dy*m;
- //_('debug').innerHTML += this.angle+'>'+Math.cos(this.angle)+","+Math.sin(this.angle)+"<br>";
- this.pr = new WeatherIcon.Point( xo , yo );
- };
- Drop.prototype = {
- freeze:function(){
- this.isFreeze = true;
- this.angle = Math.PI/3.5;
- this.r = (this.w>>1);
- },
- reset:function(){
- this.po.set(0,0);
- this.p1.set( -this.w , this.h );
- this.p2.set( +this.w , this.h );
- this.p1.rotate(this.rot);
- this.p2.rotate(this.rot);
- this.po.add(this.pr);
- this.p1.add(this.pr);
- this.p2.add(this.pr);
- },
- update:function(dt) {
- var dPos = new WeatherIcon.Point(this.v.x*dt,this.v.y*dt);
- this.po.add(dPos);
- this.p1.add(dPos);
- this.p2.add(dPos);
- if (this.po.y>128) { this.reset(); }
- },
- draw:function(ctx) {
- ctx.beginPath();
- if (this.isFreeze) {
- ctx.save();
- ctx.translate( this.po.x,this.po.y );
- ctx.rect(-this.r , 0 , this.w , 1);
- ctx.restore();
- ctx.save();
- ctx.translate( this.po.x,this.po.y );
- ctx.rotate(this.angle);
- ctx.rect(-this.r , 0 , this.w , 1);
- ctx.restore();
- ctx.save();
- ctx.translate( this.po.x,this.po.y );
- ctx.rotate(-this.angle);
- ctx.rect(-this.r , 0 , this.w , 1);
- ctx.restore();
- //ctx.lineTo(this.po.x - this.w , this.po.y);
- } else {
- ctx.moveTo(this.po.x,this.po.y);
- ctx.bezierCurveTo(this.p1.x,this.p1.y,this.p2.x,this.p2.y,this.po.x,this.po.y+1e-5); // +1e-5 debug chrome bezierCurveTo bug
- }
- ctx.closePath();
- ctx.stroke();
- ctx.fill();
- }
- }
- return Drop;}());
- WeatherIcon.Thunder = (function(){
- function Thunder(x,y,s){
- this.so = s||1;
- this.s = this.so;
- this.x = x;
- this.y = y;
- this.ti = 500*Math.random();
- this.p = [];
- this.n = Thunder.points.length;
- };
- Thunder.prototype.update = function() {
- if (!this.t) {
- this.t = new Date().getTime() + this.ti;
- this.s = this.so;
- return;
- }
- var t = new Date().getTime();
- var dt = t - this.t - this.ti;
- this.s = 0;
- if (dt>2000) {this.s = 0;this.t = t;}
- else if (dt>1000) this.s = this.so;
- else if (dt>700) this.s = (Math.random()<0.5)?this.so:0;
- }
- Thunder.prototype.draw = function(ctx) {
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.save();
- ctx.translate( this.x , this.y );
- ctx.scale(this.s,this.s);
- ctx.moveTo(Thunder.points[0].x,Thunder.points[0].y);
- var n = this.n;
- while (n--) ctx.lineTo(Thunder.points[n].x,Thunder.points[n].y);
- ctx.stroke();
- ctx.fill();
- ctx.restore();
- }
- Thunder.size = { w:30 , h:45 }
- Thunder.points = [{x:0,y:0},{x:0,y:22},{x:13,y:20},{x:3,y:43},{x:28,y:15},{x:12,y:13},{x:21,y:0}];
- return Thunder;}());
- WeatherIcon.Sun = (function(){
- var Sun = function(xo,yo,ri,re) {
- xo = xo?xo:64;
- yo = yo?yo:64;
- ri = ri?ri:20;
- re = re?re:ri*1.25;
- var center = new WeatherIcon.Point(xo,yo);
- this.rotation = { val:0 , inc:0.001 };
- this.center = center;
- this.points = [];
- this.pointsExt = [];
- var n = 20;
- var angle = 0;
- var dAngle = Math.PI/n;
- while(n--){
- var x = ri*Math.cos(angle);
- var y = ri*Math.sin(angle);
- this.points.push(new WeatherIcon.Point(x,y));
- angle += dAngle;
- var x = re*Math.cos(angle);
- var y = re*Math.sin(angle);
- this.pointsExt.push(new WeatherIcon.Point(x,y));
- angle += dAngle
- }
- };
- Sun.prototype = {
- update:function(dt) {},
- draw:function(ctx) {
- var nMax = this.points.length;
- var n = 0;
- ctx.save();
- ctx.translate( this.center.x , this.center.y );
- ctx.rotate( this.rotation.val+=this.rotation.inc );
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.moveTo(this.pointsExt[nMax-1].x,this.pointsExt[nMax-1].y);
- for (n=0;n<nMax;n++) ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.points[n].x,this.points[n].y,this.pointsExt[n].x,this.pointsExt[n].y);
- ctx.stroke();
- ctx.fill();
- ctx.restore();
- }
- }
- return Sun;}());
- WeatherIcon.Fog = (function(){
- var Fog = function() { this.angle = 0; }
- Fog.PI2 = Math.PI*2;
- Fog.prototype = {
- update:function(dt) { this.angle += 0.01;},
- draw:function(ctx) {
- var dx;
- // fill
- dx = 0.2*Math.cos(this.angle)
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.save();
- ctx.translate( 85,62 );
- ctx.scale(13,1);
- ctx.arc(dx,0, 2 , 0, Fog.PI2 );
- ctx.closePath();
- ctx.restore();
- ctx.stroke();
- ctx.fill();
- dx = 0.2*Math.cos(this.angle+0.5)
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.save();
- ctx.translate( 40,70 );
- ctx.scale(6,0.5);
- ctx.arc(dx,0, 5 , 0, Fog.PI2 );
- ctx.closePath();
- ctx.restore();
- ctx.stroke();
- ctx.fill();
- dx = 0.3*Math.cos(this.angle)
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.save();
- ctx.translate( 80,80 );
- ctx.scale(6,0.5);
- ctx.arc(dx,0, 7 , 0, Fog.PI2 );
- ctx.closePath();
- ctx.restore();
- ctx.stroke();
- ctx.fill();
- dx = 0.4*Math.cos(this.angle+0.9)
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.save();
- ctx.translate( 56,92 );
- ctx.scale(10,1);
- ctx.arc(dx,0, 5 , 0, Fog.PI2 );
- ctx.closePath();
- ctx.restore();
- ctx.stroke();
- ctx.fill();
- dx = 0.2*Math.cos(this.angle)
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.save();
- ctx.translate( 100,104 );
- ctx.scale(7,1);
- ctx.arc(dx,0, 3 , 0, Fog.PI2 );
- ctx.closePath();
- ctx.restore();
- ctx.stroke();
- ctx.fill();
- }
- }
- return Fog;}());
- WeatherIcon.Moon = (function(){
- function Moon(x,y,r){ this.x = x||0; this.y = y||0; this.r=r||20;
- this.rotDirection = 1;
- this.rotAngle = 0;
- this.angleMax = 10*Math.PI/180;
- };
- Moon.prototype = {
- update:function() {
- if(this.rotAngle>this.angleMax) this.rotDirection = -1;
- else if(this.rotAngle<-this.angleMax)this.rotDirection = 1;
- this.rotAngle += 0.002*this.rotDirection;
- },
- draw:function(ctx) {
- ctx.save();
- ctx.translate( this.x , this.y );
- ctx.rotate( -0.6 + this.rotAngle );
- var a = 0.31*Math.PI;
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.arc(0,0, this.r , a , -a );
- ctx.arc(this.r,0, this.r , Math.PI+a , Math.PI-a , true);
- ctx.stroke();
- ctx.fill();
- ctx.restore();
- }
- };
- return Moon;}());
- WeatherIcon.particles = {
- heavy:[
- new WeatherIcon.Point(22,96),
- new WeatherIcon.Point(22,116),
- new WeatherIcon.Point(36,71),
- new WeatherIcon.Point(47,95),
- new WeatherIcon.Point(47,115),
- new WeatherIcon.Point(57,64),
- new WeatherIcon.Point(66,88),
- new WeatherIcon.Point(66,108),
- new WeatherIcon.Point(78,61),
- new WeatherIcon.Point(83,94),
- new WeatherIcon.Point(83,114),
- new WeatherIcon.Point(95,72),
- new WeatherIcon.Point(104,88),
- new WeatherIcon.Point(104,108)
- ],light:[
- new WeatherIcon.Point(22,96),
- new WeatherIcon.Point(36,71),
- new WeatherIcon.Point(47,110),
- new WeatherIcon.Point(66,88),
- new WeatherIcon.Point(78,61),
- new WeatherIcon.Point(83,110),
- new WeatherIcon.Point(104,88),
- ]};
- // day / night / todo midnight soon ... ( todo c95 )
- WeatherIcon.DAY = 'Sun';
- WeatherIcon.NIGHT = 'Moon';
- // precipitation ammount
- WeatherIcon.LIGHT = 'light';
- WeatherIcon.HEAVY = 'heavy';
- // icons list
- WeatherIcon.SUN = 1; // SUN
- WeatherIcon.LIGHTCLOUD = 2; // SUN , SMALL CLOUD
- WeatherIcon.PARTLYCLOUD = 3; // SUN , BIG CLOUD
- WeatherIcon.CLOUD = 4; // BIG CLOUD , SMALL CLOUD
- WeatherIcon.SNOWSUN = 8; // SUN , BIG CLOUD , SNOW
- WeatherIcon.RAIN = 10; // BIG CLOUD , HARD RAIN
- WeatherIcon.SLEET = 12; // BIG CLOUD , RAIN , SNOW
- WeatherIcon.SNOW = 13; // BIG CLOUD , SNOW
- WeatherIcon.FOG = 15; // SUN , FOG
- WeatherIcon.SLEETTHUNDER = 23; // TODO
- // dark days (todo c95)
- WeatherIcon.DARKDAY_SUN = 16;
- WeatherIcon.DARKDAY_LIGHTCLOUD = 17;
- WeatherIcon.DARKDAY_SNOWSUN = 19;
- // extreme conditions
- WeatherIcon.THUNDER = 50; // BIG CLOUD , 3 x THUNDER
- WeatherIcon.EXTREME = 99; // TODO
- WeatherIcon.add = function(dom,icon,param) {
- if(typeof dom=='string') dom = document.getElementById(dom);
- if (param==undefined) param = {};
- var weatherIcon = new WeatherIcon(dom,param.stroke===false?false:true,param.shadow===true?true:false);
- weatherIcon.setIcon(icon);
- weatherIcon.setBody(param.mode===WeatherIcon.NIGHT?WeatherIcon.NIGHT:WeatherIcon.DAY);
- weatherIcon.build();
- weatherIcon.draw();
- if(param.animated===true) weatherIcon.update();
- return weatherIcon;
- };
- return WeatherIcon;}());