label-en-1678693018.json 5.9 KB

  1. {
  2. "menu_categories": "Menu Categories",
  3. "test": "test",
  4. "add": "Add",
  5. "add_new_address": "Add new address",
  6. "add_to_basket": "Add to basket",
  7. "additional_instruction": "Additional Instructions",
  8. "additional_instruction_txt": "Add additional information about your request.",
  9. "address": "Address",
  10. "address_extras": "Apt, villa,or floor number",
  11. "address_label": "Address Label",
  12. "address_new_address_title": "Add new address",
  13. "back_to_menu": "Back to menu",
  14. "call_us": "Call us",
  15. "cancelled": "Your order cancelled",
  16. "card": "QiCard\/Master Card",
  17. "change_location": "Change Location",
  18. "change_time_location": "Change",
  19. "choose_color": "Choose Color",
  20. "choose_delivery": "Delivery to",
  21. "choose_item_location": "Select Delivery Location",
  22. "choose_location": "Choose Address",
  23. "choose_receiver_first": "Choose receiver first",
  24. "choose_size": "Choose Size",
  25. "choose_time_slots": "Choose time slot",
  26. "cod": "Cash on Delivery",
  27. "confirm_date_time": "Confirm Date\/Time",
  28. "confirm_delivery_date_time": "Confirm Delivery Date & Time",
  29. "confirm_location_button": "Confirm Location",
  30. "confirm_pickup_date_time": "Confirm Pickup Date & Time",
  31. "contactless_dinning": "Contactless Dining",
  32. "cop": "Cash on Pickup",
  33. "create_button": "Create",
  34. "create_new_acount": "Create a new account",
  35. "create_new_acount_txt": "Create your account to be able to easily order from",
  36. "default_ccy": "AED",
  37. "delivered": "Delivered",
  38. "delivered_txt": "Your order has been delivered",
  39. "delivery": "Delivery",
  40. "delivery_fee": "Delivery Fee",
  41. "delivery_instruction": "Delivery Instructions",
  42. "payment_methods": "Payment Methods",
  43. "payment_summary": "Payment Summary",
  44. "picked_up": "Picked Up",
  45. "picked_up_text": "Your order has been picked up",
  46. "picking_up_from": "Picking up from",
  47. "pickup": "Pickup",
  48. "pickup_time": "Pickup Time",
  49. "pickup_txt": "Pickup your order",
  50. "place_order": "Place Order",
  51. "please_choose_a_datetime_delivery": "Please Choose a date\/time for your delivery",
  52. "please_choose_a_datetime": "Please Choose a date\/time for your delivery",
  53. "please_choose_a_datetime_pickup": "Please Choose a date\/time for your pickup",
  54. "receiver_information": "Receiver Information",
  55. "receiver_name": "Receiver Name",
  56. "receiver_phone": "Receiver Phone",
  57. "refine_location": "Refine Location",
  58. "response_sent_otp": "OTP Sent on your WhatsApp , Kindly check .",
  59. "save_address": "Save Address",
  60. "save_receiver": "Save Receiver",
  61. "search_box_text": "Find your location",
  62. "seconds": "seconds",
  63. "select_address": "Select Address",
  64. "select_address_txt": "The location is needed to start ordering",
  65. "select_delivery_date_time": "Select Delivery Date & Time",
  66. "select_location": "Select your location",
  67. "select_location_maps": "Select Location",
  68. "select_map_location": "Select the delivery location",
  69. "select_map_location_txt": "Select the exact location to help our driver deliver your order quickly",
  70. "select_pickup_date_time": "Select Pickup Date & Time",
  71. "select_time": "Select Time",
  72. "send_code": "Send Code",
  73. "send_verification_message": "We have sent the verification code to",
  74. "share": "Share",
  75. "share_with_friends": "Share it with your friends",
  76. "sub_total": "Sub Total",
  77. "table": "Table",
  78. "table_no": "Table No",
  79. "terms_condition": "By placing order you agreed to",
  80. "text_field_place_holder": "Enter your name",
  81. "text_time_modal_order": "Order will be delivered at selected timeslot.",
  82. "text_time_modal_pickup": "Pickup your order at selected timeslot",
  83. "thanks": "Thanks",
  84. "to_my_cart": "to my cart",
  85. "today": "Today",
  86. "track_order": "Track Order",
  87. "track_your_order": "Track your order",
  88. "verifitcation_code_error": "Did not receive code",
  89. "verify_number": "Verify your whatsapp number.",
  90. "your_order": "Your Order",
  91. "delivery_instruction_placeholder": "Example: Don't ring the bell...",
  92. "delivery_note": "Note: Delivery fee will be vary based on delivery location.",
  93. "delivery_time": "ASAP",
  94. "delivery_timing": "Delivery Time",
  95. "dining": "Dine-in",
  96. "Discount": "Test",
  97. "discount_label": "Discount",
  98. "enter_greeting_message": "Enter Greeting Message",
  99. "enter_mobile_number": "Enter your mobile number",
  100. "enter_mobile_number_txt": "OTP will be sent on your WhatsApp , Kindly check .",
  101. "estimated_time": "Est. delivery Time",
  102. "estimated_time_homepage": "Est. delivery time",
  103. "grand_total": "Total",
  104. "home": "Home",
  105. "in_kitchen": "Prepare the order",
  106. "in_kitchen_txt": "Preparing the order now",
  107. "is_customizable": "Customizable",
  108. "master_card": "Credit Card",
  109. "message": "Message (optional)",
  110. "min_basket_value": "a minimum order value",
  111. "minutes": "minutes",
  112. "mobile_number": "Mobile Number",
  113. "my_basket": "My Basket",
  114. "name": "Name",
  115. "new": "Placed",
  116. "new_receiver": "New Receiver",
  117. "no_greeting_message": "No Greeting Message",
  118. "no_receiver": "No Receiver",
  119. "office": "Office",
  120. "on_road": "On the Way",
  121. "on_road_txt": "Your order is now on the way",
  122. "order direct from": "Order direct from",
  123. "order_number": "Order number",
  124. "order_placed": "Order Placed",
  125. "order_placed_txt": "Your order is placed.",
  126. "order_progress": "Order Progress",
  127. "order_review": "Order Review",
  128. "order_timeslot_txt": "Order will be delivered at selected timeslot.",
  129. "original_price": "Original Price",
  130. "others": "Others",
  131. "otp_validated": "OTP is confirmed",
  132. "out_of_location": "The delivery location is still outside our delivery area. However, you can try a different location or select the pick up option to get your order at the port.",
  133. "test_test": "test1",
  134. "test_lbl1": "en1",
  135. "out_of_location_heading": "Out of Location",
  136. "front_end_key": "front end"
  137. }